Privacy Policy | RocketFlow
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Information Collected: Clearly state the types of information that Gravity Gains collects from users, such as personal information (name, contact details, etc.), demographic information, and any other data obtained through website interactions or third-party sources.

Collection Methods: Explain how the information is collected, whether through user input, cookies, analytics tools, or other tracking technologies. Include information about automatic data collection and the use of cookies.

Use of Information: Describe how Gravity Gains uses the collected information, such as to provide and improve services, personalize user experiences, facilitate communication, analyze trends, and comply with legal obligations.

Sharing of Information: Clarify whether Gravity Gains shares user information with third parties, such as real estate agencies or service providers. If applicable, mention the purpose of sharing and the safeguards in place to protect user data.

Data Security: Outline the measures taken to ensure the security and confidentiality of user information, including encryption, access controls, and regular security assessments. Explain that while Gravity Gains implements reasonable security measures, no method of data transmission or storage is 100% secure.

User Choices and Rights: Inform users of their rights regarding their personal information, such as the right to access, update, and delete their data. Explain how users can exercise these rights and provide contact information for inquiries and requests.

Third-Party Links and Services: Disclose if Gravity Gains includes links to third-party websites or integrates with third-party services. Clarify that these external sites or services have their own privacy policies, and users should review them before engaging with them.

Children's Privacy: If the website is not intended for use by children under a certain age, specify the minimum age requirement for users. State that Gravity Gains does not knowingly collect personal information from children without parental consent.

Changes to the Privacy Policy: Explain that the Privacy Policy may be updated periodically, and users will be notified of any material changes. Provide the effective date of the policy and encourage users to review it regularly.

Legal Basis: Explain the legal basis for processing personal information, such as consent, legitimate interests, contractual necessity, or legal obligations.